By: Dove
— New York Comic-Con kicked off today (Oct. 8, 2010) as thousands of people convened at the Jacob Javits Center to experience the “latest and greatest in comics, graphic novels, anime, manga, video games, toys, movies and television.” In fact, so many people turned out that the Comic-Con staff had to halt new ticket sales for Saturday to prevent overcrowding. Wow!
The good folks at the Animal Planet booth (photo below) were sure happy to hear that was in the building… then we spelled it out for them. God bless the nature buffs!
Check out the photos below, and we hope to see you on Saturday (if you were smart enough to purchase a weekend pass, that is)! CLICK TWICE on the photos to enlarge them!
Brian David Johnson signs a copy of his book Screen Future at the Intel booth
Gamers testing Star Craft at the Intel booth
Futuristic virtual racing at the Intel booth
Group gaming at the Intel booth setting up their session at the Intel booth
Incredible chalk art for
Incredible chalk art for
All Lego everything! The Art of the Brick booth
Lego statue at The Art of the Brick booth
Illustrator Khary Randolph of 4Kids Entertainment at his booth – check his portfolio at
Award-winning commercial illustrator Mark Evans at his booth – find him at
Kanomi Kanata’s Chi’s Sweet Home and other books on display
Danity Kane lives! Dawn Richard’s character is official in a comic book!
Never take your eyes off the Comic-Con characters!
Yes, that’s really Mario playing the new Michael Jackson game at Ubisoft’s stage!
Marvel Comics had the crowd going bananas all day with free giveaways
They really ARE ugly, but insanely popular!
Ready for the Green Hornet??
The Green Hornet ladies
Animal Planet’s colorful booth
Don’t act like you never wanted to do this…
Not sure who these guys are, but they were my favorite group costume
The Green Hornet meets Alien… kind of. Andrea Bernard holding it down!
A fan getting it in with the new Xbox 360 version of 007 Blood Stone
You can never go wrong with Spider-Man!
Final Fantasy gameplay set up – not an empty seat to be found!
Move over Katy Perry! Just one of Tonner’s dope action figures – see more at!
Want some real art on your walls AND your skateboard? Get with Effigy!
You can find more photos and news from today’s festivities at: