“Well I just don’t have time to eat.” Oh really? But you have time to play Candy Crush on your phone, gossip with your co-workers and update your Facebook status?
“I think that at the end of the day it’s really all about that for me – simple elegance, beautiful moments with friends.”
Revisiting the film Singles as an adult, it’s easy to point out which cast member you identify with in 2015.
“It’s not really about you, and when you can realize that this whole journey of life is not all about you, then it makes it a lot easier.”
“Of course I want it to make money and win awards, but I want it to be a seminal film, like all the great movies that people remember for their lives.”
“Each day when the sun rises and sets, my breath is taken away; it never gets old.”
Because you always forget your phone charger somewhere…
“There’s just so much limitless potential in starting to embrace your relationship with your body…”