By: Darrell W. Butler of Stage 5 Creeper — Attention fellow Gen-Xers; can you please place your session of Angry… gets a dose of Tyrese’s “Tough Love” with a gem passed on to him by Will Smith!
“There really is a fundamental difference between I guess what you consider a nerd or geek these days as opposed to the ’80s or ’90s. It’s not really a bad thing anymore. It’s sort of like the nerds have taken over on a larger scale.”
Here is a list of the Top 7 items that should be in your diet if you are exercising three or more times per week and want to tone up.
Dilated People’s Evidence gives us his favorite films of all time.
Author Lyah LeFlore offers some great advice for anyone wanting to hone their self-motivation.
Jamie’s prowess in the kitchen is pretty impressive for a guy who used to be a vegetarian, but what made him decide to add meat to his diet?
By: Dove — Last night (Oct. 13, 2011), Uniqlo celebrated the grand opening of their Global Flagship Store with an invitation-only…